Mental Health
Life or Death? Call 999
Need medical advice now? Call 111 -
Urgent treatment centres -
Urgent mental health helpline -
Samaritans -
Arcus LGBT (Low Income Counselling) -
Shout -
Nightline (University Students) -
C.A.L.L (Wales) -
Kooth (NHS Counselling) -
Qwell (NHS Counselling) -
NHS Talking Therapies -
Mind (Info) -
YoungMinds (Info) -
Counselling Directory
Advocacy & Support
r/TransgenderUK 2 -
r/AskTransgender 1 -
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline 1 -
Spectra Trans Services 1 -
MindLine Trans Plus1 -
Gendered Intelligence -
Mermaids -
LGBT Health & Wellbeing (Scotland) -
Gender Space (West Yorkshire) -
Galop -
Umbrella Cymru (Wales) -
The Beaumont Society -
LGBT Foundation -
The Proud Trust -
MindOut -
Medical Transition
Trans Friendly GPs1 -
Gender Dysphoria Bible1 -
HRT Prepayment Certificate -
Estradiol consent form 1 -
Testosterone consent form 1 -
Progesterone Information -
Gender Clinic Referrals Process -
Gender Clinic Options -
Gender Clinic Wait Times -
Trans Harm Reduction -
Transfeminine Science -
Gender dysphoria treatment -
Vaginoplasty Feminising Surgery -
Phalloplasty Masculinising Surgery -
Top Surgery (AFAB) -
Guidelines for hormone treatment in gender dysphoria -
Vulvoplasty Feminising Surgery -
Metoidioplasty Masculinising Surgery -
Overview of Trans Feminine HRT (UCSF) -
Overview of Trans Masculine HRT (UCSF) -
Non-Binary HRT (UCSF)